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On 13 July 2012 In All topic
By Jeffrey Hicks

Letting users login with Facebook/Twitter etc doesn't just save them time, it saves you time. You get to start writing the fun stuff quicker. I will review a micro-app I wrote in the audience of made-by-few, and discuss why employers should encourage these toy-apps.

On 13 July 2012 In All topic
By Greg Hunt

Come and grasp an overview of real estate investing in the midst of the housing crash. There are some real estate investments that has stood the test of time. Regardless of your age, educational background, financial status you can learn some sound real estate investment concepts.

On 13 July 2012 In All topic
By Keith Crawford

Public opinion is formed and voiced at blistering speeds. If citizen journalism and whirlwind political movements have toppled the gatekeepers then we should understand our individual responsibility and how your organization can navigate such quickly shifting tides.

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